
RYA VHF Radio (SRC – Short Range Certificate)

A course and exam for anyone who owns a fixed or handheld marine VHF radio. A radio is an important piece of safety equipment on board a superyacht and it is vital to understand the correct procedures. The Short Range Certificate is the minimum qualification required by law to control the operation of VHF and VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) equipment on any British flagged vessel voluntarily fitted with a radio either fixed or hand held.

Please note. An additional exam fee of GBP 70.00 is payable directly to the RYA
  • Radio operation basics
  • Maritime laws
  • GMDSS (Global Maritime and Distress and Safety System)
  • Distress, urgency and safety calling
  • Digital selective calling (DSC)
  • Frequencies

Enquire About Our RYA VHF Radio (SRC – Short Range Certificate) Course

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