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Common FAQs from aspiring yacht crew

Choosing to work as part of a superyacht crew involves a lot of sacrifices but comes with big rewards. But what does it take to work on a yacht? In this blog post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions from aspiring yacht crew members. Read on to learn more!

1. What qualifications do I need to apply for a job on board a superyacht?

To be eligible for most entry-level positions in the yachting industry, you’ll need an STCW certification, which stands for Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. The STCW certification is required by maritime law to work on commercial vessels, including yachts. You can obtain your STCW certification by booking a course with SYSA. In addition to your STCW certification, you will require additional RYA courses to be considered for the job – the Classic package is a great start. We have covered this quite extensively in a recent blog titled Step-by-step process of finding a job as a yachtie.

2. How much money will I earn?

Joining the crew of a yacht can be a great way to see the world and earn a good salary. The pay is often very competitive, and there are many opportunities for advancement. In addition, most yachts provide their crew with free room and board, as well as other benefits. Pay in the yachting industry is largely based on experience level, position, and vessel size; however, most entry-level positions start at around $3,000 per month (tax-free). Remember that this figure doesn’t include tips. With experience, you can expect your salary to increase steadily over time.

3. What are the hours like?

Working hours onboard a yacht can vary depending on the size of the vessel and the itinerary for each trip. However, most crew members can expect to work long hours – sometimes upwards of 12 hours per day – while the vessel is underway. During port days or when the vessel is in between trips, crew members typically have more downtime to enjoy shore leave or pursue other hobbies and interests.

4. Can I find a job with my partner?

Many couples choose to work together to build their relationship while also achieving their professional goals. While this can be a great arrangement, it is essential to ensure that both partners are on the same page about their expectations. For example, if one person is hoping to find a long-term position with stability and good pay while the other is simply hoping to earn some quick cash, there may be some conflict down the road. However, many opportunities exist for couples looking to work together in the yachting industry. Unfortunately for some, entry-level couple positions are almost non-existent, and when couple positions are posted, it’s typically for senior positions only: captain and chief stewardess.

5. Do I need to speak multiple languages?

In short, no. English is widely spoken by superyacht owners worldwide and is also the international language of the sea. However, whilst not a requirement, speaking multiple languages is an advantage. 

6. How long do yachting seasons last?

Yachting seasons can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the location. The yachting season typically runs from April to September in warm climates, such as the Mediterranean or November to February in the Caribbean. In cooler weather climates, like the Pacific Northwest or New England, the season is usually shorter, running from May to September. Some charter companies will operate year-round in areas with mild weather, but most boats are taken out of service during the winter months to avoid damage from harsh weather conditions. 

7. How will I find a job?

In the super yachting industry, networking is key to finding work. Get involved with industry events, online and in person, and try to meet as many people as possible; you never know when or where your next opportunity will come from. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time. Attend yacht shows, learn everything you can about the industry, and always look for ways to further your career. This can also be a “dock walking” – handing out your CV and meeting industry professionals. We also encourage you to work with yacht crew agencies with a proven track record of placing crew worldwide. The super yachting industry is competitive, and you must put yourself out there to find a job consistently. Keep persevering and be patient, and whatever you do, don’t give up! In this blog, How to build a lucrative career working on superyachts, we discuss how to find a job in more detail.

Working as crew on a luxurious yacht is an exciting way to see the world while earning a good living – but it’s not without its challenges. If you’re considering pursuing a career in this industry, research thoroughly and obtain all the necessary qualifications before applying for positions. Once you land your dream job, you’ll be able to enjoy all the perks that come with working onboard a charter yacht! If you’re interested in pursuing a career in super yachting, take a look at our courses and contact Georgina at georgina@sysa.info

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