Being part of a superyacht crew is an incredible opportunity, but it’s not without its challenges. From learning the ropes to becoming part of a successful team, there are many aspects of being a successful superyacht crew member. To help you prepare for your first superyacht experience, here are some tips on how to become the best crew member possible.
Make yourself indispensable
The best way to become an indispensable part of the crew is by having a wide range of skills. Whether it’s fixing minor issues onboard, providing guidance and support to other team members or helping out in the galley, having valuable skills will make you an integral part of any team. If you’re able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions for problems aboard, this will be invaluable for the captain and other senior members of staff. Having additional skills and completing additional training can also go a long way when starting your career on board superyachts. We often recommend our career progressional courses to SYSA students.
Understand your role
It’s important that you know exactly what your role is on board a yacht and understand all the responsibilities that come with it. Knowing your job duties allows you to take ownership of your work and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and in line with the boat’s procedures. Additionally, understanding who works under whom helps create a more cohesive environment amongst crew.
Develop good relationships with guests
One of the most important things about being a successful superyacht crew member is developing good relationships with guests. As crew members, you will be dealing with guests on almost every occasion, so having strong interpersonal skills can go a long way towards creating positive experiences for them while they are on board. Building professional relationships with guests can also help foster trust between guests and crew members, which can result in longer-term loyalty from clients who appreciate being well looked after during their time at sea.
Prepare for motion sickness
Sounds silly, right, why would you choose this career if you suffer from sea sickness? But did you know many people don’t realise they get seasick until they spend a certain amount of time aboard a vessel? The good news is you can prevent seasickness before it strikes using over-the-counter medicines and tablets. You can also look for alternatives like wristbands, ginger sweets etc.
Bring a piece of home with you
Getting homesick on board a charter, especially for an extended period, is very real. Try to pack one or two items that remind you of home or bring you comfort after a long day or working very hard. This could be a picture of your family or something else that reminds you of home.
Being part of a successful superyacht crew requires dedication, hard work and commitment from each member involved. By understanding your role within the team, developing useful skills, and building strong relationships with guests, you will be able to make yourself an indispensable asset aboard any yacht or vessel you find yourself working on. With these tips in mind, we wish all new superyacht crew members luck in their endeavours!